Twin Cities Pain & Regenerative Medicine
4444 West 76th Street, Suite 700
Edina, MN 55435
Office: (952) 831-7246 (PAIN)
Fax: (952) 500-8323
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
From the North and West:
Take Hwy. 169 or Hwy. 100 South to Hwy. 494 East. Exit at France Ave. (Exit 6B). Proceed north on France Ave., moving into the left lane. Take a left on West 76th Street. Twin Cities Pain Management is located at the fourth driveway on your right, near the back of the parking lot.
From the North and East:
Take Hwy. 35(E or W), or Hwy. 94 South/West to Hwy. 494 West. Exit at France Ave. (Exit 6B) Proceed north on France Ave., moving into the left lane. Take a left on West 76th Street. Twin Cities Pain Management is located at the fourth driveway on your right, near the back of the parking lot.
From the South and West:
Take Hwy. 169, Hwy. 212, or Hwy. 5 North/East to Hwy. 494 East. Exit at France Ave. (Exit 6B). Proceed north on France Ave., moving into the left lane. Take a left on West 76th Street. Twin Cities Pain Management is located at the fourth driveway on your right, near the back of the parking lot.
From the South and East:
Take Hwy. 35, Hwy. 77, Hwy. 10/61, or Hwy. 52 North/West to Hwy. 494 West. Exit at France Ave. (Exit 6B). Proceed north on France Ave., moving into the left lane. Take a left on West 76th Street. Twin Cities Pain Management is located at the fourth driveway on your right, near the back of the parking lot.
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