Trigger Point and Soft Tissue Injections
What is a Trigger Point?
A trigger point is a painful knot of tightened muscle fiber. Trigger points form where a muscle has been injured or strained. It is possible that a knot can be felt below the surface of the skin. Trigger points are extremely tender to the touch with pain also spreading to other parts of the affected muscle.
Easing Trigger Point Pain
The cause of spasms or muscle pain could be one or more trigger points. Doctors inject the pain points to relax the muscle. This helps relieve pain and make movement easier.
During the Procedure
You will sit or lie on an exam table so your doctor can reach the affected muscle.
- Your doctor will feel the muscle to find the exact spot of the trigger point.
- Once the trigger point is found, it is injected. The injection contains a corticosteroid along with the local anesthetic.
- If you have other trigger points, the process will be repeated.
After the Treatment
You can go home soon after treatment. Take is easy for the rest of the day. The injection sites may be sore for a day or so.
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